Praxis offers a range of short workshops in youth development, these are generally one or two days each, and can be tailored to the needs of an organization or youth worker network.
Upcoming Courses:
25th - 26th March - Auckland (Whānau Maria, Logos Project, 20 Ponsonby rd Grey Lynn)
Rego herePlease get in touch with us if you're interested in hosting a workshop.
Get in touch with us if you're interested in attending and/or hosting a workshop.
Get in touch with us if you're interested in hosting a workshop.
Get in touch with us if you're interested in hosting a workshop.
Get in touch with us if you're interested in hosting a workshop.
Response Ability Pathways (RAP)
Two days
RAP is an application of the Circle of Mana, a model of youth development that places the mana of a young person at its centre. We recognise that meeting a young person’s needs to belong, to become competent, to exercise autonomy and act generously form a foundation that parenting, education, health and youth support are built on.
RAP participants learn skills to disengage from adversarial encounters, connect with adult-wary youngsters, restore bonds of respect, and create climates where young people can thrive. This interactive workshop has become a standard for youth workers, educators, parents and youth mentors in Aotearoa New Zealand.
If you would like more details about a RAP workshop coming up in your region, or if you’re interested in hosting a RAP workshop please email for more information.
Educator (4098)
Two days with follow up assessment
Are you working with Young People and keen to see them gain more NCEA credits....
then this might be for you
The Praxis Educator workshop enables experienced youth workers to incorporate the teaching and assessment of unit standards (towards NCEA) into their existing youth programmes and activities. The programme is designed for those who currently work alongside young people in: AE (alternative education), mentoring, youth transition/pre-employment, health, learning support in schools, and general youth programmes.
The Educator programme is taught over 2 days, participants then need to complete the requirements for unit standard 4098 back in their own youth work context.
Once 4098 is achieved participants can become a recognised Praxis Assessor, enabling them to teach and assess generic level 1 and 2 standards (towards NCEA) as part of their ongoing activities with young people.
Cost $600.00 per person, includes 4098 qualification and your first years registration as an approved Praxis assessor.
If you would like more details about a Educator workshop coming up in your region please email for more information.
Group Work
Facilitation and Leadership of groups
Working with groups to achieve collective goals is an essential muscle to grow for anyone working rangatahi today. Leading and facilitating groups in youth work encourages rangatahi to be conscious of others, achieve tasks as a group and become generous.
Michael Smith, MEdLd, Co-leader of Praxis, has over twenty years of experience facilitating and leading groups of rangatahi to achieve collective goals and develop confidence and agency.
Participate in the most interactive and workshop catered to your group’s needs. Built on the foundational frameworks of gurus such as Karl Rohnke and Mark Collard then contextualised to working with rangatahi in Aotearoa.
If you would like more details about this workshop and how it could cater to your organistions needs please email for more information.
Trauma Informed Practice
One Day Workshop
Non-clinical approaches to supporting young people who have experienced adversity and trauma. This one day workshop is for teachers, youth workers, whānau and those working in everyday settings such as education, churches, community and youth programmes. We will use a youth development lens to focus on three questions:
What is trauma?
How does it affect people? (especially children and youth)
How can we provide practical support in the context of what we do?
This interactive workshop extends the RAP principles to develop trauma awareness and shared practice approaches across multidisciplinary teams. It can be tailored to the participants or organisation's needs.
This workshop is facilitated by our Founder, Lloyd Martin. If you would like more details, please email Lloyd at
Specialised Youth Work Supervison
More information coming soon!
Please email to find out more.